Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My Day Off

For the first time in what seems like a decade, I slept in. Yes, I didn't get out of bed until 9:30 this morning. To some of you that's your normal time out of bed; for those of you with children, you know what I'm talking about.

Because my mother-in-law lives with us I can do this while she takes care of the little ones. And now that our summer baby sitter, Kendra, is with us I can let her take Lauren to the pool. Lauren is our oldest daughter, now 4. Her little sister, Caroline, is 14 months. And I call her Lauren's little sister because she would not have it any other way.

I started my day off like I would any other, but I had big plans for the next few hours. Lunch with my wife Lis, a trip to my favorite shopping place, Costco... and if I was lucky, maybe a little time at the pool. On the way to lunch I made a trip to Ritz Camera to drop off a roll of film. I still like the feeling I get from the canister. You know, the film all rolled up inside with images that you think you've got, but really aren't sure how they'll look. The surprise when you pick up the pictures and you nailed it. You know the one, your little girl is playing in the sprikler on a hot summer day and the water is captured in time, suspended in mid-air, a drop on her chin just hanging there. The smile of complete innocence. This one.

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