Monday, December 19, 2005

You Know You're a Photog When...

Lenslinger found this over on, the website of news photogs everywhere. Here are some from the site:

You know a shortcut around the eternal red light, avoiding the drawbridge, through the projects and behind the courthouse. -- Blues Daddy

You see the days light progress through the kelvin scale. -- Aussie

You're on vacation in Disney World, watching the local news in you're in your hotel room, and you start yelling at the photographer for his poor shot composition. -- TheBluesisStill#1

After watering the lawn, you figure-eight the garden hose. -- Newshutr

Your kids think it's normal for you to come home for lunch one day and after bedtime the next. -- Blues Daddy

You've never seen a hockey game with both eyes. -- Tyna

You can talk on the phone, listen to the scanner, search for the smoke plume on the horizon and eat a seven-layer burrito while steering with your knee going 75 on the freeway. -- Blues Daddy

You own more than five articles of clothing(including ball caps) with either your station logo on it or a logo from ANY station. -- SmlMktChief

everyone at family parties asks you to take the pics at xmas. -- Salty Photog

So, this got me to thinking about silly things I do... besides all the ones mentioned before. I can think of a few.

Like the fact I can not watch movies and especially television without noticing a bad edit. You know, like when an actor is holding a cup in one hand and then in the next frame he's got it in the other. These things happen more than you think.

Or how about the other day at my daughter's Christmas program. There I am in the front row (gotta get the best view, you know) and while I'm videotaping, I turn the camera around toward my wife's clapping hands. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I just need a cutaway." Now that's messed up.

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