Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

Communities far and wide have been battling the sign debate for years. I can see why some cities feel the need to limit sign size. Of course, Las Vegas would be one WITHOUT a sign ordinance. In Winston-Salem, however, the need is here. Have you ever driven down Stratford Road or Peters Creek Parkway? There's no way you can say it's attractive. So, city officials are working on an ordinance that will limit sign size, height and electronics, to name a few.

That was our story today. So we found a restaurant owner along Stratford Road to see what she thought of this proposal on the table. Dori Mulyami, owner of Sakura Japanese Restaurant was more than willing to oblige. She had no qualms telling us that her sign was one of the things that brings customers in. She explained why she thought the new ordinance would be a bad thing. If folks driving along can't see your sign until they're right in front of your building, it's too late and they'll either slam on the brakes to get in or worse, pass by without stopping.

I think city planners are in a tough position here. I can see the advantages of bringing signs down and making them smaller. Cary has a sign ordinance that is a little too strict for what they're trying to accomplish here. On the other hand, being too lax will only mean big, tall, ugly signs will pop up all over the place.

So, no matter what side of the ordinance fence you sit on, it's no question something needs to be done with some of the signs. And while they're at it, let's get rid of all those telephone and electric poles and lines that screw up our beautiful live shots.


Anonymous said...

hey tubby......... thanks for the update! go wildcats!

Anonymous said...

well what do yoiu think about this

Hamas Militants Storm Palestinian TV Facility

i never thought they would do this - but I was woring