Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Little Did I Know

I never realized I actually had people coming to my little site to check on it daily. Call it humble, call it stupidity, call it whatever you like. I just didn't know. Until today when I made a rare visit to the main studio in High Point. My good friend Danny Spillane asked when I was going to update my blog. Well, Danny I didn't know you cared. But thank you for jarring my mind back into reality and gettin' my ass to work.

May has been one of those months with ratings, youngin's getting out of school, and the old excuse, "I've got other things going on." So, I'll see if I can scramble my brain out of the doldrums and review some of the more interesting things that happened over the last few weeks.

And, thanks again Danny and the other two of you out there checking in on my little blog, I'll do better, I promise.