Friday, February 17, 2006


Yes, it's that time of year... RATINGS! Usually I'm out of the loop, so to speak, during the Feburary book because I'm in Daytona for 2 weeks. This year, however, for the first time in 8 years, I'm in my home base of Winston-Salem turning out the daily grind. Throw into that series pieces that have to be edited and it makes for a busy time of year.

I did want to pass along a nice package done by a fantastic photojournalist in Miami. I've heard about Angie Moriconi's "Is That Thing Heavy" blog and have visited numerous times. If you haven't you should check out her latest entry with a nice piece she recently submitted for the award circuit. I'd give the blue ribbon right now as it's one of the best I've seen in a while. Very nice, Angie!


AMO said...

Hey, you just made my day!

Anonymous said...

This is "Stinky" in Nashville. My ears were burning. My husband googled me and noticed you were talking about when we used to work together. e-mail me sometime. my full name
I just don't want to post it for everybody. You may have my other e-mail address on file.

PS love the family pictures.