Monday, February 27, 2006


It's no secret that North Carolina is getting the lottery. And, since they're one of the last states in the southeast to get one it's big news for the surrounding states. We travelled to Virginia to see how things were going there as the new machines are being installed across the Tar Heel state. It seems folks in the Commonwealth are not looking forward to the lottery coming to the southern border state.

We picked the Lucky Horseshoe in Cana, VA for our first stop. Once inside it was pretty obvious they count on the lottery for some major cash flow. In fact, about 90 percent of their $50,000 a week comes from North Carolinians. The line was about 10 deep of nothing but millionaire seeking ticket buyers. Oh sure, they sell gas, knick-knacks and food at the Lucky Horseshoe, but I only saw one person buy some tic-tacs and a Coca-Cola.

Brent and I don't usually do the lottery stories-they're too soft-so while we were there, we bought a few tickets of our own. If I get the $256 million from the Mega-Millions game I was promised by the friendly cashier, I'll let you all know.

Oh yeah, the story turned out great... lead at 5, short versions at 6 and 10. All in a day's work. Ya'll come back now, ya hear!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're going to share with all of us when you win right?
