Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Light Dusting

It was 4:30am and for the third time I was out of bed trying to get the youngest back to sleep. After being off two days last week with my own severe cold I knew what she was going through. As I glanced out the window I noticed wet streets. I thought to myself, I don't remember any mention of rain. That's when I noticed the white stuff coming down pretty hard. We woke up to about an inch of fluffy snow. It was enough to delay some school systems, but my 5-year-old was still getting over her cold so she wasn't going to school anyway.

I went out front and snapped a few pictures. There's something about a fresh fallen snow that makes things seems clean, pristine.

The first snow of the season always seems to be the freshest. The way it clings to the trees, bushes and grass.

As I watch the weather forcast tonight it looks like we have a chance to see some more on Saturday. If it looks like this one, I'll take it.

A program that's been going on in Winston-Salem for over 10 years took Brent and I out the city's yard waste dump. It's not so much of a dump, however, as a place where leaves and trees go to die. Or in this case, be picked up by others. The program allows folks to come out and cut up wood to take home. All those trees cut down from right of ways and some that have just fallen, are dumped here for anyone to come and get.

We found a couple of men cutting and hauling away some of this free firewood. One of them, Clyde Glenn, told us he relies solely on this wood to heat his home. He's been getting it for years.

As we were leaving the yard, I snapped off one last picture. This is the Winston-Salem skyline.

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